blogging, One Liner Wednesday, Writing

Unsaved work…One liner Wednesday

I typed a post directly to my wordpress app, some how it got deleted. I don't have it anywhere. It was from my head, no prior outline. I had to ditch Music Monday. No way, I'm going to do all that again. *Shaking my head*. A friend tells me today, he was getting the patients… Continue reading Unsaved work…One liner Wednesday

Blogging, Stream of Consciousness

Egged on #SoCS

As a child, I came across as a quiet and gentle girl. I rarely spoke to others, I avoided trouble as much as possible. My peers in high school were a different case altogether, they were talk actives  and one would naturally wonder why I was friends with them. But if you take a closer… Continue reading Egged on #SoCS


Temitoria according to Deborah Glover.

She came as an answer to my prayers. I was in a strange land. I was lonely and I needed a friend. God brought her to me. Temitope Victoria Idowu. My friend born out prayer and wishful thinking into my life. She is a sanguine. No dull moments. She can be lazy, when she chooses… Continue reading Temitoria according to Deborah Glover.


Leaving friends behind

I went for service year. I made friends but I was broken inside when it was time to leave. By nature, I'm a loner who makes part-time friends. I am friendly but I guess I'm unlucky in the friends department. When it was time to go, I found it hard leaving behind my friends. Tears… Continue reading Leaving friends behind