
Family Heirloom

Shiny not losing their glow Passed down From generation to generation Worn by different women In different places In different times Across Oceans Inlands Kept from prying eyes Preserved from hands that steal The family heirloom Representing treasure Showing our strength Revealing our virtue Establishing our identity In a world who do not care About… Continue reading Family Heirloom

WP Discover Challenge

I Am Sorry!… WP Discover Challenge

Open Letter of Apology To whom it may concern, Dear neighbours, I am sorry for the times when I didn't greet you from a distance. I am short sighted and didn't see you. The world is usually blurry and hazy without those glasses. I do know how to greet. I'm sorry your misconceptions about me… Continue reading I Am Sorry!… WP Discover Challenge


City of Bricks… Friday Fiction

City of Bricks He had no other intentions at heart, these brick walls must be finished before dawn. He set the men to work, no one slept the lights were on. The women cooked and some helped carry sand and cement, the children were not left out either. It was either this or the enemy… Continue reading City of Bricks… Friday Fiction